It was just a matter of time: the poles rebel against boredom.
That shape. Those details. Those buttons. That something that fascinates us and that looks so good. And on top of that with a combination of colors and details that can't elevate it any more. My goodness, what a plot twist. Mongolian cashmere to feel at home but with the exclusivity of wearing something unique. Because there are days when you need to whisper elegance with your own accent.
Once upon a time there was the most beautiful meeting in the world.
Sand color meets lilac color.
They chat about how good they look in that perfectly cut polo shirt, so soft and warm.
-What is it? -Lila asks.
—It is cashmere from sheep from the highest mountains in Mongolia.—Arena nods.
—Ahhh...—Lila says surprised as she settles in.And have you noticed how beautiful everything looks from here?
To which Arena does not hesitate to respond.—As if not. And on top of that, look at us, we couldn't look better. Me with the sobriety and elegance that characterizes me and you with that lively, careful and unique tone."
They both look at each other, smile and say it.You know, I think this is the beginning of a great friendship."